Central-European Conference on Scientific Computing
High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia
March 15-20, 2024
ALGORITMY (Algorithms) represents the oldest Central-European series of international high level scientific meetings devoted to applied mathematics and numerical methods in computational sciences and engineering.
It has been traditionally organized in the High Tatra Mountains (Vysoké Tatry), Slovakia by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Comenius University in Bratislava, Algoritmy:SK s.r.o. and Union of the Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists.
Following this long tradition, the 22nd ALGORITMY conference will be held in Grandhotel Permon (****), Podbanske and will be devoted to computational algorithms, their analysis, efficient implementation and application to real-world problems arising from, but not restricted to, natural sciences, engineering, industrial technologies, medicine and finance.
The programme of the conference will consist of invited plenary lectures, compact two-hours invited and accepted minisymposia, parallel sessions of contributed talks and a poster session.
The main topics of the ALGORITMY 2024 conference are:
- computational fluid dynamics and nonlinear conservation laws
- nonlinear diffusion, heat transfer and porous media flow
- free boundary problems and interface motions
- image processing, analysis and classification
- inverse problems, machine and deep learning
- numerical linear algebra
- computer vision, computer graphics and visualization
- computational biology and medicine
- computational geosciences and remote sensing
- computational finance
- high-scale and parallel computing
- software for scientific and industrial computations