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Grand Canyon

The world is said to be small but full of great things.
The canyon, etched by the River Colorado into old sediments in Arizona, will certainly push forward the frontiers of what you consider to be great. With the first sight you hold your breath to the last alveolus, second one bursts a dam of thoughts open and after the third wink you are just a little grain of sand.

Because of many crags it resembles a mountain range, but in fact it's a mindboggingly deep scratch extending one mile down below the country level. Arid and rocky, covered with dusty soil and several strains of cacti, dry grass, smaller trees & shrubs, it is a habitat for rather abundant animal community, especially along the river or on the little oasis. Unfortunatelly (and thankfully), the descent down to the river from visitors' village is relatively hard and even though it can be managed in one day (including return) it's better to schedule the trip for 2 days and stay in a special shelter overnight. For this event an official permission is needed and may be issued in a couple of days. In case you want to follow the way of first dicoverers and raft the Colorado, you should recon even with a year pre-reservation. As for the trails, infrastructure is well arranged and pathways are walkable for almost everyone, furthemore there is still the possibility to use a donkey (mule,pony or whatever-it-is) service, which significantly jazzes up one's memories and probably the shoes of many others as well. Every trail is divided between so-called points, which usually delimite time and physical conditions of the visitor.