= Some bookmarks of Gejza JenĨa = == Categorical aspects of effect algebras == 1. Kenta Cho, Bart Jacobs, Bas Westerbaan, Abraham Westerbaan, An Introduction to Effectus Theory https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.05813 2. Bart Jacobs, Bas Westerbaan, and Bram Westerbaan, States of Convex Sets https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7867/8b046d81daf5abf7f776d1caf02ec9931afa.pdf 3. Sam Staton and Sander Uijlen, E ect Algebras, Presheaves, Non-locality and Contextuality, http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/samuel.staton/papers/icalp-2015.pdf