Abstract. Let u be a vertex of a digraph D. Then

  1. out-eccentricity of u is e+D(u)=max{distD(u,v) where v is a vertex of D},
  2. in-eccentricity of u is e-D(u)=max{distD(v,u) where v is a vertex of D},
  3. eccentricity of u is eD(u)=max{e+D(u), e-D(u)}.
The diameter of a digraph is its maximum eccentricity and the radius is its minimum eccentricity.

A digraph D of degree t and diameter s contains at most


vertices. If it has exactly Ms,t vertices then it is called a Moore digraph. It is known that Moore digraphs exist only if s=1 or t=1. If we like to have a structure "close" to Moore digraphs, we have to relax something. Observe that a digraph D of degree t and radius s cannot have more than Ms,t vertices. Therefore a digraph D is said to be radially Moore digraph if it has degree t, the radius s, the diameter s+1 and exactly Ms,t vertices.

In the paper we show that for each s and t there exists a radially Moore digraph of degree t with radius s. Moreover, we give an upper bound for the number of central vertices in radially Moore digraphs with degree 2.