List of invited plenary speakers:

Martin Gander (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Iterative methods in linear algebra

Patrick Joly (ENSTA ParisTech, Paris, France)

Grand piano modelling and simulation

Cornelis W. Oosterlee (Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands)

Different applications of Fourier cosine expansions and wavelets in Computational Finance

Stanley Osher (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

What sparsity and L1 optimization can do for you

Dan Raviv (MIT, Boston, USA)

Stretchable isometric structures: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Olivier Saut (University of Bordeaux, France)

Data assimilation in tumor growth modelling: towards calibrated models using imaging devices

Chi-Wang Shu (Brown University, Providence Rhode Island, USA)

Bound-preserving high order schemes for convection-dominated problems

Karsten Urban (University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany)

Reduced basis methods and industrial applications - chances and challenges

Martin Vohralik (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France)

Estimating a posteriori the discretization and algebraic errors: an overview

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