Quantum structure  2 0 0 9


Second international workshop

February 24 27, 2009, Kočovce

Faculty of Civil Engineering Slovak University of Technology,

Bratislava ,  Radlinskeho 11,  Slovakia


Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists
Stefanikova 49, Bratislava, Slovakia



International Scientific Programme Committee:

Robin Hudson - Nottingham, Great Britain
Andrej Khrennikov - Vaxjo, Sweden
Olga Nánásiová - Bratislava, Slovakia
Mirko Navara - Prague, Czech Republic
Jan Paseka - Brno, Czech Republic
Sylvia Pulmannová Bratislava, Slovakia
Jaroslaw Pykacz - Gdansk, Poland
Zdenka Riečanová - Bratislava, Slovakia
Karl Svozil - Vienna, Austria

Scope of the workshop: foundation of quantum structures, quantum probability, conditional state, causal, quantum computing, applications

Abstracts: Abstracts should be submitted by  to 31st January 2009, no more then 3 pages, in latex to Olga Nanasiova, e-mail address: olga@math.sk, with subject    "quantum 2009" 

Important:  Application form should be submitted before 31st January, 2009 to olga@math.sk The contributions of the workshop will be involved in a special number of the journal Foundation Physics. Deadline for submitting the papers are 1st of June 2009. The official workshop language will be English. Conference and accommodation will be at the same place:
small castle in the village Kočovce, cca 100 km from Bratislava. Accomadation and food cca 25EUR/per day Fee 20EUR

Application form:
Name and surname:
E -mail:
I need to book the accommodation in Bratislava (from xx to xx)
Vegetarien Yes/No
The title of contribution: