Abstract. If G is a graph, then its path graph, Pk(G), has vertex set identical with the set of paths of length k in G, with two vertices adjacent in Pk(G) if and only if the corresponding paths are "consecutive" in G. If we replace the term "path" by "trail" ("walk"), we obtain trail graph Tk(G) (walk graph Wk(G)). Path graphs are generalization of line graphs, as well as trail and walk graphs. Obviously, the path graph Pk(G) is an induced subgraph of the trail graph Tk(G), which is an induced subgraph of the walk graph Wk(G). We prove that the walk graph Wk(G) is an induced subgraph of the k-iterated line graph Lk(G), using a special embedding preserving histories. Hence, trail and walk graphs are in a sense more close to line graphs, and some problems that are compliacted for path fraphs may be easier for walk graphs.