Abstract. By L(D) we denote a line digraph of D. We set L0(D)=D. For i>0 the i-iterated line digraph of D is Li(D)=L(Li-1(D)). We consider three types of eccentricities. Let u be a vertex of D. Then

  1. e+D(u)=max{distD(u,v) where v is a vertex of D} (out-eccentricity),
  2. e-D(u)=max{distD(v,u) where v is a vertex of D} (in-eccentricity),
  3. eD(u)=max{e+D(u), e-D(u)} (eccentricity).
Using these eccentricities we define three types of radii and three types of centres.

We prove that if D is a digraph for which rad+(Li(D)) is less than infinity for every i, then rad+(Li(D))-i eqals one constant for all i "sufficiently large".

Further, if D is not a cycle then rad(Li(D))-i is bounded by constants (from both sides).

If D is a strongly connected digraph then there is a superdigraph H of D such that C+(Li(H))=Li(D) for every i>0. However, if D is not strongly connected, then in some cases there is no digraph H such that C+(L(H)) is isomorphic to L(D).

If Lj(D) is not an empty digraph then there is a superdigraph H of D such that C(Li(H))=Li(D) for every i< j. However, there are digraphs D for which there is no superdigraph H for which the restriction on i can be removed.