The 44th Czech and Slovak Conference GRAPHS 2009 will be held on May 25-29, 2009, in hotel Diery in Terchova. Supplementary accomodation will be available in a near-by hotel.
The programme will begin on Monday afternoon and close on Friday noon.

Invited speakers

Martin Klazar - Charles's University, Prague

Marian Klesc - Technical University, Košice

Martin Mačaj - Comenius University, Bratislava

Alexander Rosa - McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada

Primož Potočnik - University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana

Contributed talks

In addition to invited lectures, the programme will include 15-minutes contributed talks. An overhead projector and a computer with a dataprojector will be available.


The deadline for payment of the conference fee by bank transfer is May 11, 2009.

The deadline for submission of abstracts (in Czech, Slovak, or English) is May 11, 2009.

Conference Fee

The conference fee is 60 Eur. Payment is possible either on the spot or by bank transfer to:

IBAN: SK1709{10 times 0}11466164

i.e., SK1709000000000011466164


The account is in:

Slovenská Sporiteľňa, Tomášikova 48, 832 37, Bratislava, Slovakia, Europe

Owner of the account:

Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, pobočka Bratislava 1, Štefánikova 49, 814 73 Bratislava, Slovakia, Europe

Please bear in mind that banks charge additional transfer fees.


Estimated prices for accomodation in the Diery hotel are:

40 Eur/night for a double room
50 Eur/night for a triple room

Prices for single rooms will be similar but their availability will be limited. In the case of increased demand single rooms will be available in a near-by hotel.


Estimated cost is 9 Eur/day.
Payments for accommodation and meals will be made directly in the hotel(s).

Preliminary list of participants


Jozef Širáň


Martin Knor
